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THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep. 10 Gender Pay Gap/ Negotiation Pay Gap

The first virtual and cross-border library against gender stereotypes and discrimination has been set up between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia: 18 multilingual podcasts, recorded in English, Italian and Slovenian, to describe, through as many key words, the world of women and the obstacles they...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep.9 Stereotip Uspešne Ženske – Slo version

Med Furlanijo-Julijsko krajino in Slovenijo je bila vzpostavljena prva virtualna in čezmejna knjižnica proti spolnim stereotipom in diskriminaciji: 18 večjezičnih podkastov, posnetih v angleščini, italijanščini in slovenščini, ki s čim več ključnimi besedami opisujejo svet žensk in ovire, ki jih morajo premagovati. Raziskava, ki se...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep.9 Stereotipo della donna di successo – Ita version

Nasce tra Friuli Venezia Giulia e Slovenia la prima libreria virtuale e transfrontaliera contro gli stereotipi di genere e le discriminazioni: 18 podcast multilingua, registrati in inglese, italiano e sloveno, per raccontare, attraverso altrettante parole chiave, il mondo delle donne e gli ostacoli che esse...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep.9 Stereotype of the Successful Woman

The first virtual and cross-border library against gender stereotypes and discrimination has been set up between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia: 18 multilingual podcasts, recorded in English, Italian and Slovenian, to describe, through as many key words, the world of women and the obstacles they...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep. 8 Flexibility/Flexible Schedule

The first virtual and cross-border library against gender stereotypes and discrimination has been set up between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia: 18 multilingual podcasts, recorded in English, Italian and Slovenian, to describe, through as many key words, the world of women and the obstacles they...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep. 7 Respect

The first virtual and cross-border library against gender stereotypes and discrimination has been set up between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia: 18 multilingual podcasts, recorded in English, Italian and Slovenian, to describe, through as many key words, the world of women and the obstacles they...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep. 6 Remote Work

The first virtual and cross-border library against gender stereotypes and discrimination has been set up between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia: 18 multilingual podcasts, recorded in English, Italian and Slovenian, to describe, through as many key words, the world of women and the obstacles they...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep. 5 Consent/Consensus

The first virtual and cross-border library against gender stereotypes and discrimination has been set up between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia: 18 multilingual podcasts, recorded in English, Italian and Slovenian, to describe, through as many key words, the world of women and the obstacles they...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep. 4 Well Being

The first virtual and cross-border library against gender stereotypes and discrimination has been set up between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia: 18 multilingual podcasts, recorded in English, Italian and Slovenian, to describe, through as many key words, the world of women and the obstacles they...

THE RIGHT WORDS – Ep. 3 Prevention

The first virtual and cross-border library against gender stereotypes and discrimination has been set up between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia: 18 multilingual podcasts, recorded in English, Italian and Slovenian, to describe, through as many key words, the world of women and the obstacles they...

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